WOD Michael Lin WOD Michael Lin

Workout of the Day - September 21, 2024

5 Minutes:
- 100 Meter Run
- 20 Plank Shoulder Taps
- 10 Jumping Squats
- 10 Banded Shoulder Press

A. Partner Wod:
32 Min AMRAP:
- 20 Burpee Box Jump Overs
- 30 Pull Ups / Ring Rows
- 400 Meter Medball Run (Both)
- 30 Goblet Squats
- 30 Double Unders / Single Unders

B. Individual Wod:
32 Min AMRAP::
- 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
- 15 Pull Ups / Ring Rows
- 400 Meter Medball Run
- 15 Goblet Squats
- 30 Double Unders / Single Unders

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