Workout of the Day - February 27, 2025
- 1:00 Adductor Release (each side)
- 1:00 Lateral Hamstring Stretch
- 10 Cossack Squats (each side)
- 1:00 Frog Stretch
- 5 Half Pancakes
- 5 Full Pancakes
- 10 Burpees
- 15 Banded Face Pulls
- 15 Jump Squats
- 20 Dead Bugs
- 0:30 Side Plank (each side)
Pause Back Squat:
- 5x3 @ 75%
- Rest 2:00 Between Sets
3 Rounds for time:
- 10 Snatches (95/65)
- 20/16 Calorie Row
- 10 Clean & Jerks (135/95)
- 20/16 Calorie Row
Workout of the Day - January 29, 2025
- 1:00 TFL Release (each side)
- 1:00 Pigeon Level 1 (each side)
- 1:00 Pigeon Level 2 (each side)
- 10 Breaths Half Lord of the Fishes (each side)
- 1:00 Lotus (each side)
- 10 Burpees
- 10 Dislocators
- 10 Ground to Overhead w/ Empty Barbell
- 10 Overhead Squats w/ Empty Barbell
- 50 Single Unders
- 0:30 Plank
Squat Snatch:
- Every 2:00 x 5 sets
- 2x5 @ 60%
- 2x4 @ 65%
- 1x3 @ 70%
15 minute AMRAP:
- 30/24 Calorie Row
- 15 Toes to Bar
- 50 Double Unders
Workout of the Day - December 31, 2024
New Year’s Eve - 12pm Class Only!
5 minutes:
- 250m Row
- 5 Inchworms
- 10 Kip Swings
- 15 Air Squats
For Time:
- 31 Push Presses (75/55)
- 31 Pull-Ups
- 31 Snatches (75/55)
- 31 Sit-Ups
- 31 Toes-to-Bars
- 31 Push-Ups
- 31 Box Jumps
- 31 Back Squats (75/55)
- 31 Unbroken Double Unders
- 31 Thrusters (75/55)
- 31 Lunges
- 31 Burpees
- 366 meter Row