WOD Michael Lin WOD Michael Lin

Workout of the Day - September 19, 2024

- 2:00 External Hip Release (each side)
- 3 Super Squats (0:30 each pose)
- 1:00 Brettzel (each side)
- 2:00 Deer Pose (each side)
- 1:00 Banded Hang
- 5 Walk the Dogs
- 10 Elbow Bends

5 Minute:
- 100 Meter Run
- 10 Banded Thrusters
- 8 Plank to Toe Touches
- 8 Sit Ups

Barbell Thruster
Specific Warm Up - 3 Sets:
- 3 Reps @60%
- 3 Reps @65%
- 3 Reps @75%
Rest 1 Min between each set.

Barbell Thruster
- 3 Sets of 3 Reps
Rest 2:00 Min between each set.
*Start at 80% or 1RM and build up.
*If you don't have a 1 rep max. Start at a light/moderate weight.

Part A:
3 Rounds - For Time:
- 30 Wall Balls (20/14 lbs)
- 15 Toes to Bars
Then - Part B:
- Max Calories Rows
After completing Part A, move immediately to Part B.
Row as many calories as possible in the remaining time until the 15-minute cap is reached.
RX: 20/14
Int: 14/10
Beg: 10/8 or less.

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