Workout of the Day - March 28, 2025
- 1:00 Scapula Release (each side)
- 10 Windmills (each side)
- 10 Cat Cows
- 10 Thread the Needles (each side)
- 10 Thoracic Open Books (each side)
- 20/16 Calorie Row
Then, all w/ Empty Barbell:
- 10 Deadlifts
- 10 Hang Power Cleans
- 10 Front Squats
- 10 Push Presses
Power Clean + Hang Power Clean:
- Every 1:30 x 6 sets
- 3x(2+2) @ 70%
- 3x(2+1) @ 75%
For time:
5 Rounds of:
- 6 Devil Presses (45/30)
- 12 Wall Balls
- 18 Abmat Sit-ups
Buy-out = 1000m/800m Row
Workout of the Day - March 18, 2025
- 1:00 Scapula Release (each side)
- 10 Windmills (each side)
- 10 Cat Cows
- 10 Thread the Needles (each side)
- 10 Thoracic Open Books (each side)
- 200m Run
- 10 Sots Presses
- 10 Step-ups
- 0:30 Dead Hang
- 1:00 Plank
Split Jerk:
- 5x3 @ 60-70%
- Rest 1:30 Between Sets
16 minute AMRAP:
- Wall Balls (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.)
- Burpees (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.)
- Toes to Bar (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.)
- 200m Run
Increase the Wall Balls, Burpees, and Toes to Bar by 5 reps each round. Run stays the same.
Workout of the Day - March 11, 2025
- 1:00 Scapula Release (each side)
- 10 Windmills (each side)
- 10 Cat Cows
- 10 Thread the Needles (each side)
- 10 Thoracic Open Books (each side)
- 200m Run
- 10 Sots Presses
- 20 Cossack Squats
- 20 Dead Bugs
- 10 Burpees
Power Clean + Power Jerk:
- Every 1:30 x 8 sets
- 2x(2+1) @ 80%
- 2x(1+1) @ 85%
- 4x(1+1) @ 90%
5 Rounds for time:
- 20 Wall Balls
- 10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
- 200m Run
Workout of the Day - February 28, 2025
- 1:00 Barbell Pec & Shoulder Floss (each side)
- 1:00 Barbell Bicep Floss (each side)
- 1:00 Barbell Pronation and Supination (each side)
- 1:00 Banded Bicep & Pec Stretch (each side)
- 8 Elbow Flexor Wrist Stretches
- 200m Run
- 10 Sots Presses
- 20 Banded Side Steps
- 0:30 Dead Hang
- 0:30 Hollow Hold
Strict Press:
Take 20 minutes to complete:
- 1x3 @ 70%
- 1x3 @ 80%
- 1x2 @ 85%
- 1x1 @ 90%
- 1x1 @ 93%
- 1x1 @ 95%+
16 minute AMRAP:
- 20 Push-ups
- 20 Step-ups
- 20 Ring Rows
- 20 Sit-ups
- 20 Wall Balls
Workout of the Day - February 24, 2025
- 1:00 Barbell Pec & Shoulder Floss (each side)
- 1:00 Barbell Bicep Floss (each side)
- 1:00 Barbell Pronation and Supination (each side)
- 1:00 Banded Bicep & Pec Stretch (each side)
- 8 Elbow Flexor Wrist Stretches
- 12/10 Calorie Row
- 10 Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts (each side)
- 10 Step-ups (each side)
- 20 Russian Twists
- 10 Sots Presses
Power Clean + Power Jerk:
- Every 2:00 x 7 sets
- 3x(2+2) @ 80%
- 3x(1+1) @ 90%
- 1x(6+1) @ 65%
15 minute AMRAP:
- 250m/200m Row
- 40 Double Unders
- 15 Wall Balls
- 5 Dumbbell Single Arm Shoulder to Overhead (each side) (50/35)
Workout of the Day - February 19, 2025
- 1:00 Barbell Pec & Shoulder Floss (each side)
- 1:00 Barbell Bicep Floss (each side)
- 1:00 Barbell Pronation and Supination (each side)
- 1:00 Banded Bicep & Pec Stretch (each side)
- 8 Elbow Flexor Wrist Stretches
- 10 Burpees
- 5 Turkish Get-ups (each side)
- 20 Step-ups
- 20 PVC Overhead Squats
- 10 Kip Swings
Power Snatch:
- Every 2:00 x 5 sets
- 2x5 @ 60%
- 2x4 @ 65%
- 1x3 @ 70%
50-25 reps for time:
- Burpees
- Wall Balls
Time cap = 15 minutes
Workout of the Day - February 13, 2025
- 1:00 Barbell Pec & Shoulder Floss (each side)
- 1:00 Barbell Bicep Floss (each side)
- 1:00 Barbell Pronation and Supination (each side)
- 1:00 Banded Bicep & Pec Stretch (each side)
- 8 Elbow Flexor Wrist Stretches
- 15 Sprawls
- 15 Side Steps (each side)
- 15 Clam Shells (each side)
- 10 Dislocators
- 10 PVC Overhead Squats
Strict Press:
- 6x4 @ 75%
- Rest 2:00 Between Sets
7 minute AMRAP:
- 20 Wall Balls
- 20 Sit-ups
Rest 2:00
7 minute AMRAP:
- 10 Power Cleans (115/80)
- 10 Burpees over Bar
Workout of the Day - February 4, 2025
- 1:00 Barbell Pec & Shoulder Floss (each side)
- 1:00 Barbell Bicep Floss (each side)
- 1:00 Barbell Pronation and Supination (each side)
- 1:00 Banded Bicep & Pec Stretch (each side)
- 8 Elbow Flexor Wrist Stretches
- 200m Run
Then, 3 Rounds of:
- 10 Goblet Squats
- 10 Single Arm Dumbbell Presses (each side)
Power Clean:
- Every 2:00 x 6 sets
- 3x3 @ 75%
- 3x2 @ 80%
3 Rounds for time:
- 30 Wall Balls
- 15 Toes to Bar
- 30/24 Calorie Row
Workout of the Day - February 1, 2025
- 1:00 External Shoulder Release (each side)
- 10 Windmills (each side)
- Wrist Stretches (10 each pose)
- 10 Hip Bridges
- 8 Straight Bridges
- 6 Crab Bridges
- 10 Cossack Squats (each side)
- 10 Single Arm Upright Rows (each side)
- 1:00 Plate Hops
- 10 Goblet Squats
- 0:30 Side Plank (each side)
10 Rounds for time:
- 10/8 Calorie Row
- 10 Wall Balls
- 5 Power Cleans (95/65)
- 5 Bar Facing Burpees
Buy-out = 200m Farmers Carry (55/35)
Time cap = 30 minutes
Workout of the Day - January 20, 2025
- 1:00 External Shoulder Release (each side)
- 10 Windmills (each side)
- Wrist Stretches (10 each pose)
- 10 Hip Bridges
- 8 Straight Bridges
- 6 Crab Bridges
- 200m Run
- 10 Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts (each side)
- 20 Band Pull Aparts
- 15 V-ups
Strict Press:
- Build up to a heavy set of 5 reps
- Take at least five sets to build to your max
- Rest at least 2:00 between sets
10 Rounds for time:
- 15 Wall Balls
- 1 Rope Climb
Time Cap = 16 minutes
Workout of the Day - January 13, 2025
- 1:00 External Shoulder Release (each side)
- 10 Windmills (each side)
- Wrist Stretches (10 each pose)
- 10 Hip Bridges
- 8 Straight Bridges
- 6 Crab Bridges
- 500/400m Row
- 10 Push-ups
- 10 Kip Swings
- 20 Air Squats
Power Clean + Power Jerk:
- 12 minute EMOM
- 2+1 @ 70%
5 Rounds for time:
- 5 Handstand Push-ups
- 10 Wall Balls
- 20/16 Calorie Row
Time Cap = 15 minutes
Workout of the Day - January 9, 2025
- 1:00 TFL Release (each side)
- 1:00 Pigeon Level 1 (each side)
- 1:00 Pigeon Level 2 (each side)
- 10 Breaths Half Lord of the Fishes (each side)
- 1:00 Lotus (each side)
- 10 Burpees
- 10 Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts (each side)
- 10 Goblet Squats
- 5-10 Strict Chin-ups
Front Squat:
- Every 1:30 x 5 sets
- 1x5 @ 60%, 2x5 @ 65%, 2x5 @ 70%
For time:
- 400m Run
- 35 Wall Balls
- 30 Ring Rows
- 400m Run
- 30 Ring Rows
- 35 Wall Balls
- 400m Run
Time Cap = 15 minutes
Workout of the Day - December 30, 2024
- 2:00 Soleus Release (each side)
- 5 ATG Squats
- 5 Buddha Squat & Push (each side)
- 5 Buddha Squat & Twist (each side)
- 5 Buddha Squat Flexion & Extension
5 Minutes:
- 10 Air Squats
- 7 Dumbbell Deadlifts (light weight)
- 7 Dumbbell Upright Row
- 10 Dumbbell Strict Press
Back Squat
Specific Warm Up - 2 Sets:
- 8 Reps @65%
- 6 Reps @70%
Rest 1 Min between each set.
Back Squat
- 5 Sets of 5 Reps @2021
Use 75% of 1RM
Each set Every 3:00 minutes
*If you don't have a 1 rep max. Start at a light/moderate weight.
15-Minute AMRAP:
- 10 Deadlifts (95/65)
- 8 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
- 15 Wall Balls
Workout of the Day - December 11, 2024
- 2:00 Soleus Release (each side)
- 5 ATG Squats
- 5 Buddha Squat & Push (each side)
- 5 Buddha Squat & Twist (each side)
- 5 Buddha Squat Flexion & Extension
5 Minutes:
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Push-Ups
- 5 Hanging Knee Raises
- 10 PVC Pass-Throughs
Hang Squat Clean 4 - Practice
3 Rounds:
- Minute 1: Clean Grip Deadlift (8 reps)
- Minute 2: Clean Pulls (6 reps)
- Minute 3: Squat Clean + Front Squat (4+4 reps @65-70%)
- Minute 4: Rest
*Use 65-70% of 1 RM of your Clean
4 Rounds For Time:
- 20 Wall Balls
- 15 Push-Ups
- 10 Toes to Bar
RX: 20/14 lbs (to a 10’/9’ target)
Scaled: 14/10 lbs (to a 9’/8’ target)
Beginner: 10/8 lbs (to an 8’ target)
Workout of the Day - November 19, 2024
- 2:00 Adductor Release w/ Foam Roller or Barbell
- 2:00 Lateral Hamstring Stretch
- 10 Cossack Squats (each side)
- 2:00 Frog Level 1
- 1:00 Frog Level 2 (each side)
- 5 Half Pancakes
- 5 Full Pancakes
5 Minutes:
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Push-Ups
- 10 Walking Lunges (5 per leg)
- 5 Burpees
Hang Squat Clean 1 - Practice
3 Rounds:
- Minute 1: Clean Deadlifts (8 Reps)
- Minute 2: Front Squats (6 Reps)
- Minute 3: Hang Clean (8 Reps)
- Minute 4: Rest
*Use 60% of 1 RM of your Clean
4 Rounds - For Time:
- 200 Meter Run
- 30 Wall Balls (20/14 lbs)
Time Cap: 13 Minutes
RX: 20/14 lbs (to 10/9 ft target)
Scaled: 14/10 lbs (to 9/8 ft target)
Beginner: 10/6 lbs (to 9/8 ft target)
Workout of the Day - October 29, 2024
- 2:00 Pec Minor Release (each side)
- Banded Pec Minor Stretch
- Banded Posterior Shoulder Release
- Banded Lat & Tricep Stretch
- 10 PVC Pipe Twists (each side)
Kettlebell Bottom-Up Press:
- 4x8 Single Leg Balance on Bosu/Balance Pad Kettlebell Bottom-Up Presses (each side)
- Rest 1:00 between sets
3 Rounds for Total Reps in 17 minutes:
- 1 minute Ground to Overhead (75/55)
- 1 minute Box Jumps
- 1 minute Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75/55)
- 1 minute Wall Balls
- 1 minute Calorie Row
- 1 minute Rest
Workout of the Day - October 26, 2024
5 Minutes
- 100 Meter Run
- 10 Jumping Air Squats
- 10 Banded Good Mornings
- 5 Spiderman + Thoracic Rotation (E/S)
5 Rounds - For Time:
- 400 Meter Run
- 25 Wall Balls (20/14)
- 25 Box Jumps (24/20)
Time Cap: 30 Minutes
Workout of the Day - October 17, 2024
- 2:00 Pec Minor Release (each side)
- Banded Pec Minor Stretch
- Banded Posterior Shoulder Release
- Banded Lat & Tricep Stretch
- 10 PVC Pipe Twists (each side)
Kettlebell Bottom-Up Press:
- 4x8 Kneeling Kettlebell Bottom-Up Presses (each side)
- Rest 1:00 between sets
3 Rounds for Total Reps in 17 minutes:
- 1 minute Push Presses (75/55)
- 1 minute Wall Balls (20/14)
- 1 minute Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (45/35)
- 1 minute Burpees over Bar
- 1 minute Calorie Row
- 1 minute Rest
Workout of the Day - October 5, 2024
5 Minutes
- 100 Meter Run
- 8 Medball Front Squat
- 10 Banded Bent Over Rows
- 8 Spiderman + Reach
Wod - Partner
A. Partner WOD:
3 Rounds - For Time:
- 60 Wall Balls (20/14)
- 800 Meter Run (Together w/ Medball)
- 10 Rope Climbs (Split as desired)
Time Cap: 30 Minutes
B. Individual WOD:
3 Rounds - For Time:
- 30 Wall Balls (20/14)
- 400 Meter Run (W/ Ball)
- 400 Meter Run (Without Ball)
- 5 Rope Climbs
For Wall Balls and Rope Climbs athletes will work for 1 minute and 1 minute off.
Workout of the Day - October 3, 2024
- 2:00 Pec Minor Release (each side)
- Banded Pec Minor Stretch
- Banded Posterior Shoulder Release
- Banded Lat & Tricep Stretch
- 10 PVC Pipe Twists (each side)
5 Minute:
- 20 Single Unders
- 10 Banded Shoulder Press
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 Banded Passthrough
Barbell Thruster
Specific Warm Up - 3 Sets:
- 3 Reps @60%
- 3 Reps @65%
- 3 Reps @75%
Rest 1 Min between each set.
Barbell Thruster
- 3 Sets of 3 Reps
Rest 2:00 Min between each set.
*Start at 80% or 1RM and build up.
*If you don't have a 1 rep max. Start at a light/moderate weight.
15 Minute EMOM
- Minute 1: 15 Wall Balls
- Minute 2: 10 Handstand Push-Ups
- Minute 3: 40 Double Unders (60 Single Unders)
- Minute 4: Rest